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Terms & Conditions

Openview – WIN an Openview decoder competition – Online



1. I agree and undertake that I shall be bound by and comply with the terms and conditions for entry to the Platco (Pty) (hereinafter referred to collectively as Openview) and Win an Openview decoder Competition. In the event that I fail to comply with the terms and conditions of entry for any reason my entry shall not be eligible and shall be disqualified from the Competition. Whether there has been a failure to comply with these terms and conditions shall be decided in Openview's sole discretion, and shall be final and binding upon any potential entrant

2. The Promoter of the Competition is Openview and any of its duly authorised representatives.


Terms and Conditions of Entry

3. In order to be able to enter the Competition and to be eligible to comply with the terms and conditions of entry. It is a condition that the person must be a resident of the Republic of South Africa and Eighteen/18 years of age or older. The person must have a valid passport or South African Identity document or card to prove that they are over the age of 18, which must be submitted to Openview upon being informed that there was a winner.

4. Any person who is an employee of Openview or any of its affiliated companies and/or any other agent, promoter, and/or other person connected with the Competition and/or a member of their family, shall not be allowed to enter the Competition and shall be ineligible to participate. If any such person should enter then they will be automatically disqualified.

5. Openview shall be entitled at its sole discretion to declare that any entry is not to be entered for the Competition and is disqualified (whether or not the answer is correct.) In such event Openview shall not be obliged to the person who has entered of their disqualification nor shall it be obliged to provide a reason for its decision nor shall it be liable for any damages in law.

6. Openview may at any time decide to change, cancel, amend, vary, delete, add to, and/or otherwise alter the terms and conditions of entry, the prizes and/or any other part of the Competition. Openview shall not be required to send a separate notification to each person who has and/or may enter the Competition. It shall be sufficient that details shall be available directly to the prize winner.

7. All decisions of Openview shall be final and Openview shall not enter into any correspondence, dialogue, and/or otherwise with any person regarding any aspect of the Competition.

8. All entries must be original, and not abusive, defamatory, offensive, derogatory, degrading, and/or otherwise not acceptable due to the nature of the material submitted.

9. Openview may at its sole discretion decide that any entry is not eligible due to the nature of the content of the entry and may disqualify a person from the Competition and any such future events.

10. All decisions of Openview shall be final and binding and Openview shall not enter into any correspondence, dialogue, and/or otherwise with any person regarding any aspect of the Competition.


11. Prize(s) and Duration of Competition

The prize(s) shall consist of:

  • 5x Openview decoder (KSTB6168) – 1x per winner.

  • The Competition starts on the 8th August 2024 and ends at midnight on the 14th August 2024


12. How to enter


Participants will follow the link that is included paid advert on social media platforms, this is redirected to the Openview website where by the participants will need to complete a short survey for the entry to be valied.

  • Selection Criteria: Winners will be chosen randomly

  • Prize 5x Openview decoder (KSTB6168)



13. No responsibility can be accepted by Openview for any incomplete entries, delayed beyond the deadlines, fail to arrive, are illegible, do not arrive, and/or for any other reason are not received by the deadline.

14. Openview shall not be liable for any reason to any person who may enter the Competition and each person enters at their own risk.

15. The cost to enter the competition is the expense of your own data to access the competition and participate.

16. By participating in the competition, you are confirming your acceptance of the terms and conditions of entry. All entries must be completed by the deadline. All persons who enter by this method must have the permission of the person in whose name the computer or any other electronic media device is held and/or who controls the Facebook account. Once an entry is made, participants can deem the entry valid. Participants will be chosen through a random selection. 

16. No responsibility can be accepted by Openview for any entries which are incomplete, delayed beyond the deadlines, fail to arrive, are illegible, do not arrive, and/or for any other reason are not received by the deadline and/or are ineligible.

17. No responsibility can be accepted by Openview for the cost and/or charges incurred in respect of any entries. Openview shall not be liable for any reason to any person who may enter the Competition and each person enters at their own risk and cost.

18. The winning entries will be selected by random selection; and winner will be notified by Openview, within 72 hours from the competition closing date. The winner will be contacted by Openview and they will be verified. The winner will be notified via social media within (72) hours of the competition closing date by Openview. Openview can decide at its sole discretion that the timescale for notification needs to be extended for any reason

19. The decision made as to the winner of the Competition shall be final. 

20 No entrant can be awarded more than one prize per competition. Should one entrant be randomly selected more than once a new winner will be automatically selected. 

21. Any prize has to be accepted and taken by the person who is awarded the prize. The prize winner has 48 hours to respond from the first contact, thereafter Openview may contact a new winner and award this prize solely to the new winner. 

22. The prize can only be awarded and/or taken by the person whose name is provided at the time of prize confirmation of the Competition. There is no alternate sizing prize or cash available as an alternative to any prize should the prize winner not want the awarded prize, nor is Openview obliged to exchange and/or transfer any prize to another person.


23. Changes to Terms and Conditions of Entry and Prizes

23.1 Openview reserves the right at its sole discretion to withdraw and/or substitute any prize at any time for any reason. Openview may replace and/or substitute any prize with any products, goods, services, and/or cash that it decides is appropriate in the circumstances.

23.2 Openview may at any time decide to change, cancel, amend, vary, delete, add to, and/or otherwise alter the terms and conditions of entry, the prizes, and/or any other part of the Competition. Openview shall not be required to send a separate notification to each person who has and/or may enter the Competition. It shall be sufficient that details shall be available on social media platforms and telephonically.


24. Personal Information

All entrants hereby consent to Openview processing their personal information for the purpose of this Competition. The personal details information which has been submitted for the Competition will be held by Openview. This information will only be shared with third parties involved with the Competition for the administration of the Competition and/or the supply and delivery of the prizes. The personal details will only be held for 24 months (2 years) from the date of competition entry and will then be destroyed and/or deleted. Should an entrant wish to have their personal information amended or deleted they should contact Openview.


25. Force Majeure and Law

25.1 Where for any reason beyond the reasonable control of Openview the Competition cannot be carried out and/or completed as planned and/or advertised, then Openview reserves the right to cancel the competition at any time and in such event shall not be liable to any person for any reason who may have entered the  Competition. The total liability if any such be the cost of the postage, email, and/or text, which in any event shall be the participant’s responsibility.

25.2 The terms and conditions of this Competition shall be subject to the Laws of The Republic of South Africa.


26. Publicity

26.1 Winner shall have their names and prizes published on Openview’s and eMedia’s digital platforms.

26.2 All entrants agree to the following publicity and marketing: [Online/social media platforms/ on-air platforms].a


27. Contact Details of Company

The contact details of the Company are 4 Albury Road, Dunkeld West 011 537 9300

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